Path Valley Speedway officials shall be empowered to permit any reasonable and/or appropriate amendment from any of the specifications and/or procedures herein, or impose any further restriction that in their opinion does not alter minimum acceptable requirements. Revisions to the rules are not intended to express or imply the warranty of safety shall not result from any such deviation or restriction of the specifications, rules and/or procedures. Any interpretation of, deviation from, these rules herein, are left to the discretion of the racing officials and their jurisdiction is final.
It is ultimately the obligation of each participant to ensure their conduct and equipment complies with all of the applicable rules, as they may be amended from time-to-time. The rules are in no way a guarantee against injury and/or death to participants, spectators, officials and/or others.
All Teams Must Know and Comply with Rules Prior to Competition. There is No “One Race” Rule in Late Model Competition to Allow or “Give Time” to Any Car or Team to Comply with Current Rules.
All cars must have wrecker hookup. All cars should have 5 pound minimum fire extinguisher in reach of driver. All drivers must wear flame retardant fire suit, shoes and gloves. Window nets are highly recommended for all cars. No radios, communication equipment or mirrors permitted, including pit boards. No computer controlled equipment.
Transponder Location
Transponders are to be placed on the lower right side of the motor plate
Weight limits may be adjusted during the season for competition.
ALL CARS—V8 motors only. Motor must be based on factory design and naturally aspirated. 1 spark plug and 2 valves per cylinder. No titanium or exotic metals except titanium retainers—OK. No fuel injection, turbo chargers or blowers. 6” maximum setback measured from center of left front spark plug to center of ball joint OR 25 ½” maximum setback measured from center of ball joint to front of motor plate.
The Path Valley Speedway Late Model division is a Steel Block, Steel Head, 358 Late Model division. NO aluminum blocks or aluminum heads are allowed. Crate Late engines are allowed to compete in the division. Only conventional STEEL BLOCK type V-8 engines with the cam in the block will be permitted. This is an all-steel 358 division. No aluminum heads or larger cubic inch motors are permitted for competition.
"358 Cubic Inch Rule" - 358cu inches + 1.8% (given for engine building/refreshing tolerances)
Roller Cam and Flat Tappet Cam motors are eligible for competition. See below for weight differential. Again, NO Aluminum Heads are permitted.
358 with Steel Heads, Flat Tappet Cam motors- minimum weight of 2,350 lbs with driver. Hoosier Tire compound of 1300 or harder; American Racer Tire compound of 44 or harder. Open carburetor.
358 with Steel Heads, Roller Cam motors-minimum weight of 2,450 lbs with driver. Hoosier Tire compound of 1300 or harder; American Racer Tire compound of 44 or harder. Open carburetor
Please note: Motors are subject to be checked for cam type or any other part at any time
C. Econo 355 cars will be governed by the same rules as 358 motor rules in section A and B
D. Crate Engines ARE permitted for competition. RUSH, Fastrak and NeSmith seals are permitted. Seals cannot be altered. Unless otherwise noted, any Crate Late Model competing at Path Valley Speedway must compete under a standard Crate Late Model rules package. (For example, no alcohol and Try-Y headers are permitted). See other rules specifics below"
Crate Late Models must compete with a spoiler not to exceed 8 inches.
GM 602 or m-6007 D347 JR Ford Crate-weigh of 2,150 lbs with driver;-
GM 604 or M-6007 D347 SR Ford weight of 2,250 with driver.
OPEN tire rule allowed for crate competitors; Spill board on front is permitted. Carburetor not to exceed 750 CFM.
GM Crate Motors ONLY may have a 32 inch long by four inch high spill board with a one inch ridge on top mounted on nosepiece.
Ford Crate Motors ONLY may have a 32 inch long by three inch spill board with a one inch ridge on top mounted on the nose piece.
All engines must be based on a manufactured, factory design.
The engine must have an operating self-starting mechanism. Vehicles that require a "push start‟ will not be permitted.
Only a single distributor or magneto will be permitted. Coil pack and/or engines that have individual ignition systems, electronic or mechanical for each cylinder will not be permitted. A maximum of 25 ½”-inches from the center of the ball joint to the front of the motor plate/engine bell housing flange will be permitted.
Only two (2) valves and one (1) spark plug will be permitted per cylinder.
ALL CARS—Headers permitted. Exhaust pipes may NOT point towards ground. Mufflers are HIGHLY recommended for all cars.
ALL CARS—Gasoline or alcohol. No nitrous oxide, nitro-methane or propylene oxide. No electric fuel pumps or pressurized fuel systems. Mechanical or belt-driven fuel pumps only. Fuel lines should not pass through driver’s compartment.
One 2 or 4-barrel open carburetor (see carburetor rules in motor, section 1).
ALL CARS—Any battery powered ignition, MSD, Accel, Mallory or equivalent system permitted. No coil pack or individual cylinder systems.
ALL CARS—11” maximum tire tread width. 16 3/4” maximum cross section. Tire hoop must pass freely over tire. 93” maximum circumference. Tires must have all manufacturer’s stamps intact. 32 minimum tire hardness after race, verified by durometer. Only American Racer 44 or harder, Hoosier 1300 or harder compounds permitted (see tire rule in motor section 1)—no softer compounds allowed on all wheels except inside front tire may be open compound. The track durometer is the official measuring device. 11” maximum circumference grooving—no tolerance. No buffing or taping over tire size markings.
Tire changes will not be permitted once a car has been presented to the starting grid/lineup area for any race. Any car making a tire change will forfeit their assigned starting position for that particular race and start from the rear of the field.
Chemical alteration of the tread carcass and/or tread compound, such as tire "soaking” and/or the introduction of tread "softener‟ and/or physical defacement (removal, altering and/or covering) of tire sidewall markings in any manner will not be permitted. Chemical alterations, vulcanizing, tire softening, defacing and/or altering the face of the tire lettering and/or tire stamping will not be permitted. Chemicals or tire softening is not permitted at any time. Tires may be inspected at any time. Any violation with any tire presented for competition may result in immediate disqualification from the events and/or other penalties including but not limited to loss of money, fine, loss of points and/or suspension. Grooving is allowed.
Competitors will be allowed to put tape over the numbers. However, track officials must be able to remove the tape and read the numbers on the outer side of the tire at any given time.
ALL CARS—14” maximum steel or aluminum wheels only. No plastic wheels, fiberglass or carbon fiber wheels. Bead locks allowed. Wheels must be held on by bolt-type lug nuts, no knock-off type mounting permitted. 90” maximum outside width at wheels with wheels pointed straight.
ALL CARS—All traction control devices using wheel sensors are NOT permitted. Adjustable ping control devices, dial a chip controls, timing controls or automated throttle controls are NOT allowed in the cockpit or any other location accessible by driver. Any remote control components or data acquisition equipment are NOT permitted.
ALL CARS—Any rear end permitted. Quick change—OK. No live-axle rear ends. Aluminum axle tubes permitted. Only floater wide-five hub assembly permitted.
ALL CARS—Any aluminum or steel transmission permitted. Racing and automatic transmission—OK. Transmission and clutch should have explosion-proof bell housing or 358 degree ½” steel scatter shield securely mounted to car. Any type clutch permitted and clutch should have scatter shield. Multi-disc clutch permitted and can have aluminum bell housing. No in and out boxes. Transmission should be bolted to the motor and must have working reverse gear. Only one drive shaft permitted. All drive shafts should be painted white and should be surrounded by two 3” steel safety loops or sling mounted to frame.
11. BODY
ALL CARS—Body must meet all specifications listed on diagram. All body panels must be solid and must be made of metal or plastic—no holes, gaps, slots, perforated materials etc. Body line must be a flowing line from front to rear. 38” maximum rear deck height. 37” maximum front fender and door height. 48” maximum rear quarter panel length measured from center of rear wheel. 53” maximum length from center of rear wheel to top corner of quarter panel. 3” minimum ground clearance. 2” minimum clearance around all wheels. No ridges, fins or raised edges on body except roof bead rolls.
ALL CARS—Fenders must be level from side to side. Quarter panels must be same length and cannot extend higher than rear deck. Rear deck must be level 20” forward from rear of quarter panel and must extend between quarter panels. Quarter panels and doors may not dish inward. Skirting may not extend behind quarter panel.
ALL CARS—76” maximum body width at top deck. 82” maximum body width at bottom of doors measured at the center of the car. 86” maximum width at rear of quarterpanels from bottom to 19” off ground. All body width variations must taper evenly on both sides.
ALL CARS—All fenders, doors and quarterpanels should roll inward ½” to 1” at top, with sides over upper body. No sharp or jagged edges, fasteners, etc. No wings or tunnels permitted under body or chassis. Unapproved bodies may be assessed a 50 pound weight penalty.
12. ROOF
ALL CARS—Approved roof and roof supports should match nosepiece. Minimum 44” long x 48” wide, maximum 54” long x 52” wide. 45” minimum height from ground, 48” maximum. Roof must be mounted near center of car, parallel to the deck and level. Roofline and side panel window contours should be stock appearing and match nosepiece. Roofline MUST be rounded— no flat, wedge, bellied or hollow roofs.
ALL CARS—Rear roof and front roof supports mandatory. Rear roof supports may extend 43” from rear of driver’s side window. Rear roof supports must taper downward evenly from outside edges of roof with a 2” maximum outward bow both to the sides and rear. 17” maximum at top of rear roof support. 10” high x 15” long minimum rear support window is optional and recommended for appearance. Rear support window may be filled with clear lexan. 2” minimum front roof post width, 4” maximum. Front roof post bracing may extend 7” vertical and horizontal. Front roof posts must extend forward to the rear of hood. ½” maximum bead rolls permitted on roof running from front to rear in direction, 4 maximum including edge bead rolls.
ALL CARS—Door window opening height should be minimum 12” measured from deck to roof. 1.5” maximum roll down permitted along front and rear edge of roof. Roof may not turn upward. 4” maximum hinged sun shield permitted in front of driver. 25 pound penalty for unapproved roofs.
ALL CARS—Approved stock appearing molded nosepiece required and should match roof and roof supports. Nosepiece must be made of flexible material. 15” minimum nosepiece height measured from bottom of nosepiece to where sheet metal is attached, following the angle of the nosepiece. Nose must be mounted level. 2 piece nose cannot be widened. 52” maximum nosepiece extension measured from center of front hub with wheels turned straight. 3” minimum ground clearance. Nosepiece may not be modified or cut. Unapproved nosepieces may be assessed a 50 to 125 pound penalty. Tech inspector may require that any unapproved nosepiece must be changed.
ALL CARS—37” maximum front fender height from ground. Plastic front fender flares permitted, but cannot alter original shape of nosepiece and must have collapsible support (no steel supports). Fender flares may extend 1” outside front wheels when pointed straight. 90” maximum fender flare width. Fender flares may extend maximum 2” above fenders.
ALL CARS—Hood must be level from side to side. Scoop may be maximum of 1” above air cleaner. No raised edges on scoop.
Spoiler measurements may be adjusted during the season for competition.
ALL CARS—Spoiler and braces must meet all specifications listed as follows: Total spoiler not to exceed 23" in from beginning base to tip of rear radius flange. Front base must be 4" inches and maximum spoiler height cannot exceed 8 inches at rear of spoiler. Spoiler cannot exceed 72" maximum width. Maximum 3 solid side spoilers permitted. Side spoilers must be mounted at rear of deck and outer side spoilers must be at outside edge of deck. Side spoiler must taper down evenly from maximum to minimum height and may be rounded or triangular in shape. 2 additional 1” open aluminum braces permitted. Spoiler should be clear Lexan or aluminum. No driver-adjustable spoilers. Spoiler must be mounted at rear of deck. Spoiler may not be suspended to create a wing. No other spoilers or wings.
ALL CARS—103” minimum wheelbase. All frames should be constructed of 2”x 2” square steel tubing or 1 ¾” outside diameter round steel tubing, with .083”minimum material thickness. All round tubing frame cars should use 4130 chrome molly steel or DOM in frame construction. No holes may be cut in frame. All other chassis tubing should 1 ¾” at outside diameter and have a minimum thickness of .083”.
ALL CARS—Car should have horizontal safety bar constructed from same steel tubing as frame, mounted behind fuel cell and securely welded to frame. Rear bumper should be at least 4” behind fuel cell. Center of rear bumper and safety bar should be at rear deck center height, approximately 19” from the ground and should be at least as wide as frame. Tubing should also extend downward to form a horizontal bar at the bottom height of the fuel cell, with additional vertical and diagonal tubing bracing the lower tubing to the rear bumper and the safety bar. Lower tubing should be at least as wide as fuel cell. No part of the fuel cell should be below the protective tubing. Any rear bumper that extends more than 8” from the rear of frame should be rounded and directed toward the front of car. Bumper should not have sharp edges. No external rub rails.
ALL CARS—No straight front axles. Any type steel or aluminum shocks allowed. Coilovers—OK. Suspension must be mechanical—no computer or electronic components. Front suspension must be stock configuration. No center steering. No torsion bar suspensions.
ALL CARS—All cars must have 4 wheel braking system. Steel brake rotors only. No plastic brake lines. Steel braided brake lines—OK.
ALL CARS—All cars must be self starting. Failure to start during a race will result in disqualification. Battery should be located in a safe area and covered with a metal fireproof box. Battery should not be in driver compartment. Battery disconnect kill switch to shut down motor highly recommended mounted in reach of driver and should be clearly labeled for safety crew.
ALL CARS—Racing-approved fuel cell should have 35 gallon maximum capacity and should be securely mounted inside a 20 gauge steel or 060” aluminum metal box and secured to frame with a minimum of two 2” x 1/8” thick steel straps around entire fuel cell. Minimum 7/16” bolts should be used to mount the fuel cell. The fuel pick up should be on the top or right side of the fuel cell, be constructed of steel and should have a check valve in case of roll over. Fuel cell should be mounted in square tubing frame. Fuel cell should be mounted behind the rear axle and between the rear tires, at least 4” in front of the rear bumper. 9” minimum fuel cell ground clearance. No part of the fuel cell should be lower than the rear end housing. Car number must be displayed on fuel cell, 6” minimum height. No pressurized fuel systems.
ALL CARS—4-post, box-type roll cage should be constructed of 1 ½” minimum outside diameter and .095 minimum material thickness steel tubing. Roll cage should have at least 3 horizontal bars at driver’s side door and 2 horizontal bars at passenger side door, extended outward into door panels with 2 vertical bars between each horizontal bar as additional support. An extra vertical side brace bar is recommended on the left side in line with steering wheel. Door bars should be 1 ½” in diameter with a minimum thickness of .065. Both door window areas should remain open and unblocked by roll cage bars for easy exit. Roll cage should extend forward on driver’s side to protect foot area completely. Roll cage should be welded to frame in at least 6 places (in addition to diagonal bracing) and welded together at all intersecting points. Diagonal bars should brace roll cage at rear, and should run from frame to top of roll cage.
ALL CARS—Top of roll cage should be at least 2” above top of driver’s helmet. All areas of the cockpit should have at least 11” to 12” of clearance below the roll cage and roof. All roll cage bars within reach of driver should be covered with non-flammable foam padding certified to SFI spec 45.1. Other than padding, roll cage must remain exposed above top of door with no aerodynamic effects. Right-side padded headrest or head net recommended attached to roll cage. Bars or wire mesh in windshield and driver’s side quick-release window net certified to SFI spec 27.1 are highly recommended.
ALL CARS—A full metal firewall constructed from 18 gauge steel or 1-1/8” thick aluminum should be joined to seal off driver compartment at front, rear, sides and floorboard. Full metal floorboard. Top of interior may be maximum of 3” below top of doors. The start of the dropped interior should remain closed as part of the firewall. The interior must taper up gradually to be even with the rear quaterpanel and level for 20” from rear of deck and quarter panel. Interior must be mounted flush with outside body panels. Interior clearance should be 11” to 12” minimum below roll cage at all points for easy exit. Onboard fire suppression system recommended.
ALL CARS—Full containment, metal racing-approved seat with padded headrest should be securely attached to frame. 3”, 5, 6 or 7-point, quick release racing belt with double harness certified to SFI spec 16.1. 7-point system is highly recommended. Seat and belts should be mounted to the chassis with grade 5 or better hardware. Mounts should run in the same direction to secure the belt. Belt should not come in contact with sharp edges. Safety belts should be replaced if 2 years old, and all worn or damaged safety belts should be replaced. Quick-release, racing-type steering should be used.
ALL CARS—Drivers should have flame retardant firesuit certified to SFI spec 3.2A/5 and racing approved full-face helmet with face shield certified to Snell SA2000, SA2005 or SA2010 standard or SFI spec 31.1A, 31.1/2005 or 31.1/2010. Gloves certified to SFI spec 3.5/5 highly recommended. Nomex shoes, socks, and hood highly recommended. Head & neck restraint system certified to SFI spec 38.1 and arm restraints are highly recommended.
Weight limits may be adjusted during the season for competition.
ALL CARS— Weight limits are after race and include driver. All weights should be solid material, entirely painted white or a bright color and marked with car number. Each weight should be 50 pound maximum. Weights should be bolted to frame with two ½” Grade 5 bolts on two weight clamps or secured with steel plate. Weights should be attached below the body decking. No weights should be attached to rear bumper or in driver’s area. Weights should not be lead pellets or liquid. Each weight should be bolted to the frame individually and should not be stacked on another weight.
Added weight to car:
Cars must be weighed at the end of each event without adding additional components.
Example – Fuel, oil, water, body panels, etc…
Weights up to 50 lbs. must be positively fastened by 2 ½-inch, minimum grade 5 bolts with a minimum of two (2) weight clamps. Threaded rods will not be permitted. All weights must be painted white and clearly labeled with the car number on it. Any weight(s) must be securely attached to the frame below the body decking.
Any car that loses any weight/ballast during an event may be subject to a penalty. Weights attached to the rear bumper and/or outside the frame will not be permitted. Pellet-type and/or liquid-type weight/ballast will not be permitted. Driver operated weight adjustment, “weight jacking‟ devices will not be permitted.
25. Shocks
No four way adjustable single shock absorbers will be allowed.
RULEBOOK DISCLAIMER: The rules and/or regulations set forth herein are designed to provide for the orderly conduct of racing events and to establish minimum acceptable requirements for such events. These rules shall govern the condition of all events, and, by participating in these events, all participants are deemed to have complied with these rules.
NO EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OR SAFETY SHALL RESULT FROM PUBLICATIONS OF OR COMPLIANCE WITH THESE RULES AND/OR REGULATIONS. They are intended as a guide for the conduct of the sport and are in no way a guarantee against injury or death to a participant, spectator or official. The race director shall be empowered to permit reasonable and appropriate deviations from any of the specifications herein or impose any further restrictions that in his opinion do not alter the minimum acceptable requirements.
Any interpretation or deviation of these rules is left to the discretion of the officials. Their decision is final.